A local Habitat house

A local Habitat house
~on dedication day
2010 Update

Habitat is planning to build a house for our newest partner family in Fowler, starting in March. Please contact our office if you would like to donate your time to volunteer or your treasure to help us purchase the needed supplies. We are also in need of churches, organizations, and individuals who would be willing to prepare meals and snacks for workers. We are also always in need of prayer for our organization's continued success and safety.

We are also happy to announce that a new partner family has been selected for the Covington house. The previous family had a change in their situation and elected to move out of the home. A small dedication ceremony was held for the new family on January 31, 2010.

A PowerPoint presentation is available for any church or organization who would like to know more about Habitat. Please contact our office to arrange a time for someone to come to your local meeting.